
Our therapy offer consists of Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Counselling. All students in the specialist provision (The Den) also have access to Music Therapy once a week.

Students have access to Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) as specified in their Education, Health and Care Plan. Referrals can also be made by members of staff after consultation with parents/carers should the need for therapy arise.

Referrals to counselling can be made by members of staff after consultation with parents/carers. Parental agreement is necessary for students to access counselling in school.

Therapists work in collaboration with staff and deliver all relevant training when necessary.

Before students join Glebe School all relevant information and final reports from previous therapists are passed on to our Speech and Language team. Speech and Language Therapists are employed by Bromley Healthcare and work with students at Glebe 3 days a week.

Therapists are involved in assessment, diagnosis and management of speech, language and communication needs. Our therapists work with students on 1:1 basis, in small groups and within the classroom environment depending on the areas of Speech and Language needs identified by the assessment and the provision detailed in each pupil’s EHCP. 5 members of support staff employed by Glebe School are also trained to work with students with speech and language needs. They lead small group therapy sessions under the supervision and guidance of our Speech and Language Therapists and students’ progress is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by the whole team.

Therapists set SMART targets, monitor and track students’ progress and feedback to staff and parents. Reports are sent home once per year. SALT team is involved in reviewing students Education, Health and Care Plans and setting communication targets for Individual Education Plans when relevant.


We have 1 part-time Occupational Therapist commissioned by the school from a private provider who currently works with our students 2 days a week.

Occupational Therapy is provided for students who are identified to have a specific need for OT on their Education, Health and Care Plan. Referrals can also be made by members of staff after consultation with parents, should the need for occupational therapy arise.

The Occupational therapist is involved in the assessment, diagnosis and management of occupational therapy needs of students as well as in delivering any relevant training to staff.

Our OT works with students individually and in small groups depending on the areas identified by the assessments as well as the provision detailed in each pupil’s EHCP.

Occupational therapy work at Glebe focuses on:

  • functional skills, coordination, fine and gross motor skills
  • sensory needs
  • touch typing
  • individual goals

Sensory circuits are also set up by OT and run by trained members of staff on a daily basis.
Occupational therapist works in collaboration with members of staff as well as offers drop-in clinics to parents of students receiving OT.

We have 1 part-time counsellor commissioned by the school from a private provider who currently works with our students 3 days a week.

The counsellor provides 1:1 therapy sessions to students with a wide range of social, emotional and mental health needs, complex family circumstances, bereavement, low self-esteem or other issues affecting young people wellbeing. Students can access counselling on a regular as well as when needed basis.

Counselling sessions are confidential by nature with the exception of information relating to safeguarding concerns; however, some support strategies can be shared without breaking confidentiality.