Child Protection & Safeguarding at Glebe School
At Glebe, we ensure that we provide an environment which is caring, safe, secure, and inclusive, where pupils are happy and are able to achieve excellent outcomes.
We believe that all pupils are entitled to receive an education appropriate to their needs, which promotes high standards, so that pupils are able to achieve their best, become confident individuals, make a successful transition into adulthood, into further education, training or employment and lead fulfilling lives.
We take seriously our moral and statutory responsibility for safeguarding, protecting, and promoting the welfare of all pupils and our community, by ensuring that the basic needs for all pupils are met.
We adopt a core safeguarding approach where:
Safeguarding is at the forefront of all of our actions, is embedded into our culture and language
Glebe Community #thinkstheunthinkable
We are relentless in having consistently high safeguarding expectations and are vigilant in acting in the best interests of the pupils
Promoting respectful and trusting relationships and enabling pupils to talk openly and confidently
All pupils have a right to be heard and to have their wishes and feelings taken into account
Pupils are taught about safeguarding themselves in and outside of school, including online, through a broad and balanced curriculum.
Equality is promoted - all pupils, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
Our prerequisite for safeguarding includes information sharing and ‘Working in Partnership’ with parents, carers and professionals
Glebe has a zero tolerance for abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination, bullying & harassment
All staff are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, have an enhanced disclosure from the DBS and satisfactory pre-employment checks
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone to recognise vulnerability, act on any concerns with DSLs and follow our procedures to ensure that pupils receive effective support and protection
You can contact our Safeguarding Team on
If you want to report a concern please CLICK HERE