Safeguarding Team
We have key staff who are trained in Child Protection & Safeguarding at Glebe, whom pupils and parents may speak to if they feel worried about a safeguarding issue.
Our Designated Safeguard Leads are:
Miss M Brown (DSL)
Mrs L Shaw (Deputy DSL)
The Designated Safeguard Leads (DSLs) have undergone appropriate and specific training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their role.
Other trained staff:
Mrs H Thomson (Family Liaison Officer)
Mr I Travis (Headteacher)
There is a trained DSL on site and available at all times during the school day. All staffed are informed daily who is on site and who concerns should be reported to.
Should you wish to contact the DSL or Deputy DSL, please contact the school on 0208 777 4540 or email
All Staff Safeguarding Training
At Glebe, we ensure all staff are trained in safeguarding and are vigilant about the welfare and safety of all pupils and our school community.
The school follow strict safer recruitment process where all relevant checks on staff take place. Once employed, new staff undertake safeguarding training as part of their induction programme and receive regular safeguarding training and pupil updates throughout the year.
All staff are trained in Keeping Children Safe in Education (annually in September) and confirm in writing that they have read, understood and will abide it. Staff are also trained in Prevent (Radicalisation), FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), E-Safety; as well as on-going face to face and National Online Safety safeguarding courses.