
At Glebe we understand the importance of supporting student and staff emotional well being. We will promote a positive outlook regarding pupils with Mental Health and well-being difficulties by:
  • Eliminating prejudice towards pupils with Mental Health and well-being difficulties.
  • Promoting equal opportunities for pupils with Mental Health & well-being difficulties.
  • Ensuring all pupils with Mental Health difficulties are identified and appropriately supported – minimising risk and escalation onto physical harm.
We will work with the Local Authority with regards to the following:
  • The involvement of pupils and their parents in decision-making
  • The early identification of pupils’ needs
  • Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support when required
  • Greater choice and control for pupils and their parents over their support
If you are concerned about a student's emotional wellbeing please contact the DSL at Glebe. On 02087774540 or email safeguarding@glebe.bromley.sch.uk


Helpful websites and support organisations