
At Glebe you are entitled to receive a planned programme of career education, information, advice and guidance that is impartial and independent. This will help prepare you for the world of work and help you to lead an independent life.


  • Completed a series of career modules as part of our PSHCE programme; which include, Aiming High - Living in the Wider World, Money Matters - Living in the Wider World
  • Attended an interview with the school’s careers lead
  • Attended a New Choices Evening with parents/carers
  • Had a Transitional Review with the local authority/school/updating their EHCP
  • Early career vision
  • Discussed discrimination in the workplace
  • Taken part in an enterprise activity
  • The full use of Unifrog careers programme to help make life careers choices.
  • Start the Princes Trust Award on Personal Development & Employability programme
  • Taken part in an interview with the WEX coordinator to make choices about their work experience.
  • Been on a work experience placement for a set period
  • Encounters with employers and employees as PAL legislation
  • Taken part in NCS program
  • Evaluated their WEX placement
  • Taken part in skills activities to enable them to work with Glebe school business partners.
  • Preparation of their curriculum vitae, an application form and attended a mock interview
  • Received support and guidance to apply for a place at local further education colleges for SEN and mainstream courses. This is achieved by completing an application form attending an assessment and learning interviews techniques
  • Attend a Friday morning college link course throughout Year 11
  • Had a Transitional Review with the local authority/school updating their EHCP
  • Peer Mentoring training
  • Mock interviews
  • Understand personal finances and money management
  • Attended an overnight stay at our off-site provision, creating life skills opportunities.
  • The full use of Unifrog careers programme, to help make life careers choices.
  • Working towards a BTEC qualification, in a vocational course.
  • Career path choices by including work towards gaining qualifications in a foreign language.
  • Completed Princes Trust Award on Personal Development & Employability
  • Completed Aiming High- Living in the Wider World
  • Received support to apply for college/work training schemes/Traineeships/Apprenticeships.
  • Received support and guidance to apply for a place at local further education colleges, through completing an application form attending an assessment and receiving learning interview techniques
  • Had a Transitional Review/interview with the local authority
  • The full use of Unifrog careers programme to help make life careers choices.
  • Attend an overnight stay at our schools’ off-site provision, creating life skills opportunities.
  • Completed a BTEC qualification in a vocational course.
  • Participated in community projects, to broaden student's horizons, including the Duke of Edinburgh and NCS programmes.
  • Received Information about a provider and the approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships that the provider offers.
  • Have a detailed description of what learning or training with a provider is like.
  • Responses to questions about a provider or approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
  • Visited FE colleges /Specialist College to gain prospectuses and information on courses available.

Glebe School has successfully met the full Quality in Careers Standard (July 2024 - 2027) through Investor in Careers. Our senior leader with overall responsibility for CEIAG in school is Mrs Teresa Kitteridge and our nominated careers leader is Mrs Anne Woolsey.