

If your child is absent, you are required to inform the school office (not form tutors or Head of Yearbefore 9am on the day, with a reason for the absence. This must be done for every day your child is not at school. If we do not hear from you and you cannot be contacted by 10am, the Family Liaison Officer and Child Protection & Inclusion Manager will attend the home address to carry out a welfare check.




A new quick and convenient way to report absence.
Please download the app (available on Google Play or App Store) or register on their website HERE


0208 777 4540
Please press 1 and follow the instructions to leave a voicemail



Our school  attendance  target is 96%


High levels of attendance and a punctual start to the day are vital for pupils to ensure they make the maximum academic progress whilst developing the organisational skills needed for future life. Promoting excellent attendance is the responsibility of the whole school community including staff, pupils, parents, carers and governors. 


  • All pupils should be at school, on time, every day, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable
  • Occasionally, there may be other reasons why your child does not want to attend school and we strongly encourage you to call the school to discuss such matters with your child's form tutor and/or Head of Year
  • All pupils are expected to be in school for first lesson at 9:00 am




See some interesting statistics below about why attendance really does matter!


If your child’s attendance in the year is  

Your child has lost the following amount of school days 

If your child is late everyday in a year by  

They have lost the following amount of school days 








9 days 

19 days 

29 days 

38 days 

48 days 

57 days 

67 days 

5 minutes 

10 minutes 

15 minutes 

20 minutes 

30 minutes 

40 minutes 

50 minutes 

3.5 days 

7 days 

10 days 

14.5 days 

22 days 

29 days  

35 days