Trust Information

Glebe School is the sole school within the Specialist Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee.  The school converted to academy status on 1st September 2017.  The academy trust’s governance is outlined in the Articles of Association and Memorandum for the academy trust. 

The board of trustees at Glebe School works with the school team to ensure that students are safe, their achievement is maximised and that the school's resources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Trustees meet termly to monitor the well-being and progress of the young people in the school. They attend regular training sessions to ensure that they keep pace with developments and they have a responsibility to ensure that the school is financially well-managed. The school was proud to receive the comment below in the previous outstanding Ofsted review:

“Trustees work well with school leaders. They check on the school’s work and come into school to see it in action. They know the school well. They know what the school does well and the areas that the school is working on.” Ofsted

The school's headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. The Trustees are lay people who bring their particular skills and experiences to the governing board. They are responsible for overseeing the whole ethos of the school, including its relationships with parents, pupils and the community.

There are different routes by which different types of governors are appointed and there are rules regulating the composition of the governing body.  These are all set out in the Articles of Association. However, once appointed, all trustees have equal status, regardless of the category under which they have been appointed.  The role of governor is a voluntary one; it is unpaid.

The chair of the board is Mr. Geoff Parsons. He can be contacted by email at




Ms Sue Colquhoun
Mrs Samantha McKale (resigned 13.9.24)
Mrs Barbara Hart
Mrs Isobel Vassallo (appointed 1.5.24)
Mrs Madalene Bentley (appointed 16.12.24)

Mr Keith Bailey (appointed 19.9.23)
Mrs Sue Colquhoun
Ms Mona Farah (appointed 30.10.23)
Mrs Richella Logan (appointed 19.9.23)
Mrs Shamilah Martin (appointed 4.11.23)
Mr Mark Murphy
Mr Geoff Parsons (Chair)
Mr John Plummer (Vice Chair)
Mrs Isobel Vassallo (resigned 12.9.23)
Ms Krystelle Wass

Mr Geoff Parsons
Ms Sue Colquhoun
Mrs Mona Farah

Mr Ian Travis (Headteacher & Accounting Officer - Observer for Audit items)
Mr Geoff Parsons
Vacancy (Chair) 
Mrs Shamilah Martin
Mr John Plummer

Mrs Isobel Vassallo (resigned 12.9.23)
Mrs Shamilah Martin
Ms Sue Colquhoun

Mr Keith Bailey (Chair)
Mr Geoff Parsons
Ms Sue Colquhoun